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CN      +86 020-87813325

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I Type

Fully automated production line for lower case of refrigerator compressor


Product Features

1. Fully automatic realization of all welding process of the lower casing of refrigerator compressor since the completion of stamping

2. Adopt the medium frequency power supply of Henglong, realize the resistance process of copper tube and steel casing, energy-saving and environmental protection

3. The product has been used in the field for a long time and is mature and reliable

4. The whole line only needs to be maintained by material replenisher, no operator is needed

Footings, protective frames, manual swinging of shells, vibratory feeding of other pieces, automatic welding.
Robot handling

Beat 6S; single machine beat 5.5S
Single specification or compatible specification shell

Basic Parameters


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Appointment free consultation
兖州市| 中卫市| 无为县| 莱州市| 神农架林区| 闽清县| 微山县| 南和县| 恭城| 湟中县| 渭南市| 咸阳市| 巴里| 淮安市| 通州区| 河曲县| 个旧市| 陇川县| 麻阳| 民乐县| 黄陵县| 灌云县| 无为县| 莫力| 南召县| 舒城县| 井冈山市| 长汀县| 恩施市| 定远县| 洮南市| 沾益县| 龙海市| 清水县| 溧阳市| 萨迦县| 安福县| 南城县| 澳门| 措勤县| 海盐县|