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CN      +86 020-87813325

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I Type

Fully automated production line for lower case of refrigerator compressor


Product Features

1. Fully automatic realization of all welding process of the lower casing of refrigerator compressor since the completion of stamping

2. Adopt the medium frequency power supply of Henglong, realize the resistance process of copper tube and steel casing, energy-saving and environmental protection

3. The product has been used in the field for a long time and is mature and reliable

4. The whole line only needs to be maintained by material replenisher, no operator is needed

Footings, protective frames, manual swinging of shells, vibratory feeding of other pieces, automatic welding.
Robot handling

Beat 6S; single machine beat 5.5S
Single specification or compatible specification shell

Basic Parameters


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Appointment free consultation
福海县| 苗栗市| 汝南县| 土默特右旗| 伊春市| 花莲县| 满洲里市| 桂林市| 清涧县| 龙门县| 衡阳市| 个旧市| 淳化县| 石林| 成都市| 宁南县| 泽普县| 荃湾区| 和平县| 普洱| 阳春市| 进贤县| 南通市| 彝良县| 临邑县| 渭南市| 濮阳市| 阿拉善右旗| 迁西县| 突泉县| 交口县| 南丰县| 五峰| 五原县| 绩溪县| 恩平市| 清原| 万山特区| 兴安盟| 永州市| 泽州县|